The Leadore Mustangs
Now a lot of you have already heard this story, because when it happened I was so excited I told everyone I could. So I appreciate your indulgence as I tell it one more time. A couple of weeks ago, I received a phone call from a young lady in Leadore. She told me […]
Say Boo to Cancer 2019
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I will start by saying this has always been one of my favorite holidays. It started with getting to go to houses and get free candy. When we got to the age of being too cool to trick or treat, we graduated to throwing water balloons and […]
A Final Tribute
I know last week I said this week’s story was going to be about the Pumpkin Carving Contest, but I decided it needed to be about some events at our Mom’s funeral last weekend. Since I am the quarterback of writing these stories, I am officially calling an audible. Let’s start with my P.S. […]
Thank you for everything Mom
By the time you read this story, we will have said our final goodbyes to our beloved Mother. I decided to write this before the funeral because I knew it would be too hard to try and do it after. This week’s story will be about a few of the lessons we learned from […]
Thank you for everything Mom
By the time you read this story, we will have said our final goodbyes to our beloved Mother. I decided to write this before the funeral because I knew it would be too hard to try and do it after. This week’s story will be about a few of the lessons we learned from […]
A Very Special Angel
This week’s story has been a very hard one for me to write. I have started many times, only to have to stop because the emotions I am feeling are too overwhelming. After spending almost 96 years of doing the work our Heavenly Father asked her to do down here, (With absolute compassion and […]
New Help for the Foundation
Let me start this week’s story by giving a great big thank you to everyone who has helped with the events I have done with the Foundation. There are so many wonderful people out there who want to be part of the events and mainly want to help the people in our community as […]
My Brother, My Mentor
Heaven received another very special angel. My oldest brother Curt passed away from complications due to multiple myeloma on Saturday September 21st, 2019. I would like to share my memories of him in this week’s story. If I am being honest, my earliest memories of my big brother would be how hard he […]
Thunder Ridge Assembly
Before I start with the main topic, is it okay if I go off on a small rant? Oh thank you! I knew you would be okay with that. I need to vent about having to attend business meetings in California. Last year, the hotel where the annual convention was being held didn’t have […]
Eastern Idaho State Fair 2019
First let’s start with naming the winner of the pop quiz last week. Congratulations to Patty Elzinga for correctly naming the content of the Make-A-Wish 2 story. She has won a stylish Shannon Wilker Foundation stocking cap. I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend and you made some very special […]