Last Friday was exactly seven years that Heaven received a very special angel. I would like to share my observations of these last seven years and the life lessons I have learned. To do this, I will use the acronym I have for my training company. Of course, the acronym I am talking about is A.S.P.E.C.T.
Appreciation It took me a while to fully understand the importance of appreciation. For a long time, I was caught up in my own grief and loss. But I have learned to appreciate all the wonderful blessings I have in my life. I have learned to appreciate so many things that I had taken for granted.
Strength The true meaning of strength became very clear to me through this ordeal. I watched as Shannon handled this with such strength and dignity. Anyone who’s had a family member go through this will agree they are the example of true strength. I remember telling Justin and Ryan right after she passed away, “If your Mom can be strong enough to go through everything she just went through, we can be strong enough to get through this.”
Perspective One of the first things I realized was how my perspective on life changed. The things in my life that I used to let bother me, seem so insignificant now. I still find myself getting upset about something silly and I’m reminded that in the big picture of life, it’s truly irrelevant.
Empathy When I first started volunteering, I quickly learned how rewarding it was to reach out and help others. I thought about my Angel Shannon, and her wonderful example of empathy and selflessness. Empathy is the engine that drives the Shannon Wilker Foundation.
Chapters of Life I like to use this concept of our life here on earth. I know that Shannon left for her next chapter, just as this is my next chapter. I know our Heavenly Father has a special plan for us and we all have the chance for another chapter with our loved ones.
Time Heals No matter what challenges you are dealing with, time will help you get through them. At first, I was confident I was going to be miserable for the rest of my life. But thanks to the blessing of time, each day got a little better. I now look forward to every day. I want to thank all of you for helping me get here.
The main lesson I learned is the best compass I have is to be the kind of man Shannon can be proud of. I will always LOVE AND MISS YOU sweetheart.
Next week: Foundation rewards
P.S. T also stands for therapy. You know, fouling people at basketball.