National Superhero Day
In case you were not aware of it, Thursday was National Superhero Day. Since my Superhero themed fundraiser “The Crusade Against Cancer” is only a month away, I chose this as my story for this week.
Since it was the theme for our Toastmasters meeting on Thursday night, I decided to do a little research on this topic. Did you know that Superman was acknowledged as the first Superhero in 1939? Did you know many of your favorite superheroes have middle names? Spider-Man’s real-life alias is Peter Benjamin Parker, and Hulk’s full name is Robert Bruce Banner. Superman’s middle name is Joseph, while Iron Man is Anthony Edward “Tony” Stark. Since my Superhero alter-ego is Star-Lord, his name is Peter Jason Quill. Black Panther and Captain America share something in common. They each utilize the power of Vibranium to aid in their good guy antics. Black Panther wears a Vibranium uniform, claws, and boots, while Captain America’s shield is made of the super-strong stuff.
When I hear the term “Superhero,” my first thought would be someone I have seen in a movie or read about in a comic book. But over the years, I have been fortunate enough to witness so many true Superheroes in action. I would like to recognize all the Superheroes in the Armed Forces, Fire and Police Departments, Education, and Healthcare. These people have dedicated their lives to making our communities and country safer, better, and healthier without any questions or hesitations. They do this not for recognition, accolades, and certainly not for the pay. They do it because it’s the right thing to do. This to me is the true characteristics of a Superhero.
I want to let all of them know how much I appreciate all they do, and they are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for reading.
Next Week: Cinco De Mayo
P.S. You may say I’m not brave enough to be Star-Lord, but I have driven in Utah traffic with Idaho Plates. If that’s not brave, I don’t know what is.