Happy Birthday Justin
Before I talk about the title of this week’s story, I want to condemn the small group of the Capitol protesters that turned the protest into damage and violence. I have also condemned the small groups in the BLM protests that turned those protests into damage and violence. I think we can all agree that the majority of both groups wanted their protest to be peaceful, and the small narrow minds in each group ruined their message. I think the post I read that summed it up best was: “If you’re condemned the violence of the Capitol protest, but didn’t condemn the violence of the BLM protests, you are a hypocrite at the highest level.” “If you condemned the violence of the BLM protests, but didn’t condemn the violence of the Capitol protest, you are a hypocrite at the highest level.” I will take it a step further. “If you’re a media organization that condemned the violence of one of the protests, but not the other, you are a hypocrite on the highest level.” And finally, “If your mind immediately jumped to ways to defend why your side was justified, and the other side wasn’t, you are a hypocrite on a higher level than all of them.” There is NO justification for damage and violence. With that being said, I am positive the majority of people in our country can have different ideas, and still respect each other. I believe they are reasonable, kind, and compassionate and will always help their communities and neighbors.
Now to Justin’s birthday. I was thinking back when he was just a little kid. Justin’s first job came about when he took our riding mower around to mow the lawns of some of the widows in our neighborhood. They were so grateful they offered to pay him if he would do it every week. Since then, Justin has always had a job of some kind. He would wake up at 4:00am to go work at a dairy, go to school, and after school he worked at a car wash. He is one of the hardest working guys I have ever known in my life. He has always been someone that when he sees something he wants; he is going to make it happen no matter what he has to do. When he decided he wanted a truck, he saved up his money and bought a truck. When he decided he wanted a new team roping horse, he worked hard, saved his money, and bought a new team roping horse. Like I said, one of the hardest working guys I know.
It’s hard to believe how fast the time has flown by. Justin is a terrific brother, son, and Dad. And now that little kid that went on his first roundup with me when he was eleven, is now a Grandpa. (Which Justin and I agree is one of the best jobs on the planet.) I am so proud of you Justin and so grateful to be your Dad. Happy Birthday Justin and thank you for all your love and support. Thanks for reading.
Next week: An inspirational patient
P.S. Wait, now that Justin’s a Grandpa, does that mean I have to grow up? Oh good, I didn’t think so.