Back in November, Ryan told me he was going to schedule a minor surgery in Spokane for his hip so he could continue to compete in triathlons. I told him when he had the surgery, I would come over and stay as long as he needed me to. We talked and he decided to have it done on January 8.
I hadn’t been over to Ryan’s for a while and I’m kind of disappointed in myself that it took him doing a minor surgery this week to get me over here. We were both a little concerned about trying to drive over this time of year, so I checked and got a good price on a flight from Idaho Falls into the Tri Cities. The best part of the flight: Not having to drive to Salt Lake and encounter the Utah driver’s!
I arrived okay and the surgery went well except for a little scare on the drive home. We were about 50 miles out of Spokane when Ryan said he was feeling really faint and dizzy. His heart rate had slowed way down. We pulled off at the nearest exit so I could find the emergency number and call the doctor. Ryan’s face was ghostly white. I wondered if we should call 911 but Ryan wanted to talk to the doctor first. He finally got to talk to the doctor on call and he started to feel a little better. I was so relieved, but I have to tell you that was the scariest 20 minutes I have had for a long time.
We got back home, and I was so glad I was able to be there with him. He slept well that night, and the next day said everything felt pretty good. I told him I was there to take care of him and would start by making breakfast. Since then, he’s treated me to some delicious meals like homemade pizza, barbeque, and delicious sandwiches. I know what you’re thinking, I came over to take care of him and he’s doing all the cooking. I’m going to go say it was good physical therapy for him to move around some. Plus, he’s a much better cook than I am.
I am really enjoying the time I am able to spend with him and he said his recovery is much better than he anticipated. I imagine that’s to be expected from a world class tri-athlete! I am so proud of the great man he is and want all my family to know how much I love them and appreciate them. Now, you must excuse us, we are on our way to watch the Star Wars movie. Thanks for reading.
Next week: Pink Night at Thunder Ridge
P.S. I did peel a banana and cut up a kiwi for breakfast one day.